2126 E. Gordonville Rd
Great Lakes Bay Area
Midland, MI 48640
United States

Articles of Interest

Articles of Interest >> May Presidential Pondering's

May Presidential Pondering's

As I am sitting by my pond pondering, many things come to mind. The beautiful warm sunny day, the clear blue sky. Isn't spring grand. At our last board meeting I found out that some of you actually read these ponderings! I hope that I haven't scared too many of you.

One thing on my mind is the attendance at our May dance. The number of dancers was down considerably from our April dance. I'm not sure why. Is it the music selection, the location, the day of the week? If there is a song (old or new) that you would like to dance to. let us know what it is so we can add it to our playlist. Over ten percent of the May attendees were there for the first time at one of our dances. This leads me to believe many of our members and regular attendees are not coming. Are we not providing what you are looking for? Let us know what we can do better as we are trying to make changes to have a more enjoyable experience for our dancers.

Our plans for the September Dinner Dance event are moving along. The hall is reserved, the menu selected, the DJ is lined up. Now, it is up to all of us to make it a success. We are looking for dancers to showcase their skills. So get with your favorite instructor and put together a cool routine. Mark the date on your calendar Sunday Sept.29th, 2013. Tickets will be going on sale later this summer. There will be updates posted on our web site as more information becomes available.

I want to thank Steve Reynolds for the Hustle lesson and the Viennese waltz mixer. It was a lot fun. Our June lesson will be Rumba taught by Rick Popp. Hope to see you all there.
